The sci-fi romantic comedy web series MY3 as Mythri, a humanoid robot. Mugen Rao and Shanthanu Bhagyaraj are the leading businessmen and scientists, respectively. Janani Iyer, VJ Parvathy, Thangadurai, Ramar, and others play supporting roles. M. Rajesh, known for his hilarious comedy films, directs the series. S. Ganesan composes the music.
Story Line:
Mythri is a stylish and sophisticated humanoid robot created by the scientist Dr. Siddharth. She is designed to be the perfect companion for humans, and she quickly wins the heart of Adithya, a young man who buys her. However, Adithya soon discovers that Mythri is not what she seems.
The scientist's ex-girlfriend, Mythri, is secretly pretending to be a robot. Adithya, the scientist, is vexed by this deception, but Mythri is guilt-ridden. The story follows their journey as they try to overcome this situation and move on with their lives.
The series is said to be an adaptation of 2017 south korean drama Show
"I am not a Robot"