The Tamil film Leo, directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj and starring Vijay in the lead role, is reportedly inspired by the 2005 Hollywood film A History of Violence. Both films share a similar core premise: a seemingly ordinary man is forced to confront his violent past when it comes back to haunt him.
In Leo, Vijay plays a family man who leads a peaceful life. However, his past catches up with him when a group of gangsters arrives in town looking for him. It is revealed that Vijay used to be a violent criminal, but he had left that life behind to start a family. Now, he must protect his family from the gangsters and their desire for revenge.
A History of Violence tells a similar story about a diner owner named Tom Stall (Viggo Mortensen) who kills two armed robbers in his diner. He is hailed as a hero, but his past catches up with him when a mysterious man named Carl Fogarty (Ed Harris) arrives in town claiming to be Tom's former mob boss. Tom must now confront his violent past and protect his family from Fogarty and his gang.
While the two films share a similar core premise, there are some key differences. Leo is set in India, while A History of Violence is set in the United States. Additionally, Leo is said to be a more action-packed film, while A History of Violence is more focused on character development and suspense.
Despite the differences, it is clear that Leo is inspired by A History of Violence. Lokesh Kanagaraj has spoken about his admiration for the film, and the trailers for Leo show that it has a similar tone and style to A History of Violence.
It remains to be seen how closely Leo will follow the plot of A History of Violence, but fans of both films are eagerly awaiting its release.